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OFCA is not only the artists and the crowd, it is also a large group of positively crazy people, who the festival would have never been created without!

It is the involvement of coordinators and volunteers that contributes to the success of each edition. We would like to thank everyone who has ever worked at the festival and invite new enthusiasts to cooperate with us.

Who can become a volunteer?

Any adult person can become a volunteer, regardless of their experience. A minor who is 16 years of age or older may also join our team. However, in this case, the consent of the parent or legal guardian is required.

What do the volunteers do?

Festival volunteers work wherever they are currently needed. They support the coordinators in their work, help the artists, audiences and workshop participants as a part of the assigned tasks. Volunteers are also essential to secure the proper functioning of the Festival and Information Center, they engage in social media activities, help in organising workshops for children, fireshow, stage productions and street performances.

Volunteering – why is it worth it?

If you like our festival and look forward impatiently to each edition, we invite you to join the group of volunteers. This is the only opportunity to get to know the making of the Oleśnica Festival of Circus and Art and all the specifics of working on a large project of international scope. We ensure that you will gain valuable experience in organising a cultural event, meet fascinating people and that you will become a part of the OFCA family forever.

Let the adventure begin!

We are waiting for the filled-in application form until 30th. April. Then we will invite you to the second part of the recruitment process, i.e. to individual talks with the organisers of the festival.

Do you have any additional questions? Write to us at wolontariat@festiwalofca.pl.

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OFCA is not only the artists and the crowd, it is also a large group of positively crazy people, who the festival would have never been created without!

It is the involvement of coordinators and volunteers that contributes to the success of each edition. We would like to thank everyone who has ever worked at the festival and invite new enthusiasts to cooperate with us.

Who can become a volunteer?

Any adult person can become a volunteer, regardless of their experience. A minor who is 16 years of age or older may also join our team. However, in this case, the consent of the parent or legal guardian is required.

What do the volunteers do?

Festival volunteers work wherever they are currently needed. They support the coordinators in their work, help the artists, audiences and workshop participants as a part of the assigned tasks. Volunteers are also essential to secure the proper functioning of the Festival and Information Center, they engage in social media activities, help in organising workshops for children, fireshow, stage productions and street performances.

Volunteering – why is it worth it?

If you like our festival and look forward impatiently to each edition, we invite you to join the group of volunteers. This is the only opportunity to get to know the making of the Oleśnica Festival of Circus and Art and all the specifics of working on a large project of international scope. We ensure that you will gain valuable experience in organising a cultural event, meet fascinating people and that you will become a part of the OFCA family forever.

Let the adventure begin!

We are waiting for the filled-in application form until 30th. April. Then we will invite you to the second part of the recruitment process, i.e. to individual talks with the organisers of the festival.

Do you have any additional questions? Write to us at wolontariat@festiwalofca.pl.

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OFCA is not only the artists and the crowd, it is also a large group of positively crazy people, who the festival would have never been created without!

It is the involvement of coordinators and volunteers that contributes to the success of each edition. We would like to thank everyone who has ever worked at the festival and invite new enthusiasts to cooperate with us.

Who can become a volunteer?

Any adult person can become a volunteer, regardless of their experience. A minor who is 16 years of age or older may also join our team. However, in this case, the consent of the parent or legal guardian is required.

What do the volunteers do?

Festival volunteers work wherever they are currently needed. They support the coordinators in their work, help the artists, audiences and workshop participants as a part of the assigned tasks. Volunteers are also essential to secure the proper functioning of the Festival and Information Center, they engage in social media activities, help in organising workshops for children, fireshow, stage productions and street performances.

Volunteering – why is it worth it?

If you like our festival and look forward impatiently to each edition, we invite you to join the group of volunteers. This is the only opportunity to get to know the making of the Oleśnica Festival of Circus and Art and all the specifics of working on a large project of international scope. We ensure that you will gain valuable experience in organising a cultural event, meet fascinating people and that you will become a part of the OFCA family forever.

Let the adventure begin!

We are waiting for the filled-in application form until 30th. April. Then we will invite you to the second part of the recruitment process, i.e. to individual talks with the organisers of the festival.

Do you have any additional questions? Write to us at wolontariat@festiwalofca.pl.